Discover Bratislava.

Rediscover Your Smile.

Enjoy an affordable worry-free visit with top service. Get the best dental care, tailored treatments, and explore Bratislava, all without stretching your budget.

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You are in great hands

World-class service with friendly prices

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Top-notch international dentists

Masters of world-class dental practices recognized worldwide.

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15+ years of experience

Cultivating over a decade of expertise to refine and perfect smiles around the world.

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Latest dental technologies

Operating with cutting-edge technology to give you care you've never experienced before.

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All-in One House

Streamlined dental journey from start to finish, all within our facility.

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Sounds complicated, but is it?

How it works?

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First step to your new smile

Consultation call

Reach out to our clinic in Bratislava by either filling out an online form or contacting us directly via phone.

After receiving your inquiry, we will schedule a consultation call. Our experienced dental assistant will discuss your dental concerns, draw a preliminary price and address any questions or doubts you may have.

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Flying with smile

Your trip and wonderful experience

We will guide you through the process of securing the journey to Bratislava. This includes travel arrangements, and car transportation within the city.

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Your stay

Beautiful scenery in heart of Bratislava

To ensure you have a comfortable stay during your dental treatment, we will provide you with accommodation in one of our apartments close to our clinic.

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First visit

Receive detailed treatment plan

On your first visit, our experts will conduct a comprehensive examination. Based on the results, we will draft a detailed treatment plan, discussing the recommended procedures, timeline, and associated costs.

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Getting into work

Once the treatment plan is agreed upon, we will proceed with the dental procedures outlined in the plan. Our team will work diligently to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the process. Depending on the complexity of the treatment, multiple visits may be required.

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Happy end

Your new smile is completed

Once your smile is completed, we will provide post-treatment instructions and follow-up care guidelines to ensure your health is maintained and your smile remains delightful for many years. Afterwards, we will assist with organizing transportation to facilitate a smooth journey back home.

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Our services

All your needs will be taken care off

Dental Implants

Advanced and permanent tooth replacements that integrate with the jawbone for unmatched stability and a confident, natural smile.

Dental Veneers

Thin ceramic or composite material shells that are applied to the front surface of teeth to achieve a more harmonious and aesthetic smile.

Dental Crowns

Strong and natural-looking tooth caps for enhanced protection and a beautiful smile.

Dental Bridges

Natural-looking tooth replacements that bridge the gap between missing teeth, restoring functionality and aesthetics.

Dental Prostheses

Custom-made tooth replacements tailored to restore your smile's functionality and appearance with precision and comfort.

Dental Aesthetics

Specialized treatments and procedures designed to enhance the beauty and harmony of your smile, resulting in a confident and radiant appearance.

Dental Surgery

Specialized procedures performed by trained professionals to address complex dental issues, ensuring optimal oral health and improved functionality.


Words from our happy clients

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Nicol Kovacova
An absolutely wow-worthy experience at the Dr. Smile clinic! From the start, I was treated like a VIP, with staff already knowing my name before I announced it. The waiting area was spotless and comfy, and I was offered delicious drinks while waiting. During the consultation, they provided complete cost transparency, and all my concerns were eased. Though I didn't go ahead with implants, my front teeth were crowned flawlessly, including one I feared might need extraction. Surprisingly pain-free, the results exceeded my wildest imagination. I'm immensely grateful to the amazing team at Dr. Smile for changing my life and giving me the confidence I never thought possible. Count me in for implants next year!
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Galka Dunková
Veľmi príjemné prostredie, ústretovosť, more trpezlivosti personálu a hlavne citlivý prístup k detským pacientom. Ak máte dieťa,ktoré sa bojí lekárov a hlavne toho zubného, vrelo odporúčam túto kliniku. Termin tiež expresne rýchlo. Volali sme  v sobotu pred obedom a na 14tu sme už mali termín . Ďakujem za pomoc s boľavým zubkom u dcérky
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Lenka Pivovarčiová
Nádherné veľké priestory, všetky služby pod 1 strechou, veľmi príjemný prístup všetkých zamestnancov - od dám na recepcií až po zubárov. Ceny sú úplne porovnateľné s inými zubnými klinikami, takže žiadne extra prirážky.
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Veľmi trpezlivá zubárka.Jedina z piatich navštívených zubárov, ktorá dokázala ošetriť päť ročné dieťa s veľmi bolavim zubom.  Výborný prístup k uatrachanym deťom. Príjemné ceny. Celkovo skvelé prostredie aj ľudia. Ďakujem
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Andrea Hockicková
Skvelý prístup, všetko vysvetlia, bez vášho vedomia a súhlasu nespravia nič.Doktor Alex a pani doktorka Svetlana sú na jednotku :)
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Erik Sebestyen
Konečne sme našli v Bratislave profi starostlivosť s bezplatným odvozom. TOP!
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Oskar Beregi
Malý syn v detskom kútiku, ja v zubárskom kresle, skvelý lekár, nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Všetkým odporúčam.
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Martina Bendíková
Bezbolestné ošetrenie za prekvapivo priateľné ceny :)
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Adam Vlček
Neuveriteľné, že aj na štedrý deň sa nájde klinika, ktorá dokáže pomôcť. Rýchle objednanie a bezbolestné vyriešenie môjho problému. Veľká vďaka doktorovi Ivanovi a celej klinike. 10/10
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Miriam Mrízová
Špičková klinika, s luxusným prostredím, moderným vybavením a komplexnými službami. Jej návštevu vrelo odporúčam
Contact us

Let's start your journey today

Blend top-notch dental care with a refreshing getaway to Bratislava. Our all-inclusive package ensures you get the best of both worlds: excellent dental treatments and a relaxing vacation.

Vaša registrácia bola úspešne odoslaná a my sa Vám čoskoro ozveme s potvrdením termínu Vašej návštevy.

Ak máte nejaké otázky alebo požiadavky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Tešíme sa na Vás!
Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale došlo k chybe pri spracovaní Vašej registrácie. Prosím, skúste to znova neskôr alebo nás kontaktujte priamo, aby sme Vám mohli pomôcť s Vašou registráciou. Ďakujeme Vám za pochopenie.
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